The religion of food |
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India where every single concept including education, health, science is Vedified and veiled by the darkness of religion and heavenly entities food is no exception. From an early stage the agents or pimps of God and religion made rules regarding what should one eat and what not to eat. The classification of allowed and not allowed foods was not on some scientific or medical grounds but it was done on the basis of some rules which were as baseless as their makers. In the present time when saffron fascism is as its epitome and when a fascist mindset is ruling the country allowed and not allowed concept has reached its height. The saffron clad taliban from the outset is busy in curbing the personal freedom of the people of this nation.A completely fascist inhuman concept called Hindurashtra and Hindutva is being imposed on people by full force. The sarcasm lies in the fact that none of the above are in accordance with the real aspect of Hinduism. It was back in April 2012 when the nation witnessed a big scuffle over the beef party organized in Hyderabad Central University that was was conceived by an attack on Hindu Rashtra by the fake nationalist flattery and boot licking Hindu community. In the concurrent times it is risky to reveal one’s food choices in the cow belt northern India. I myself was a victim of the fake sanatan Hindu culture when I was searching for a rented accommodation in pious city of Allahabad. "You are fish eating bengali we cannot allow you to live in our house" was the dialogue that I heard numerous time. "Being a Brahman you eat non veg ram ram" this is another comment that I had to hear frequently. The new fascist government in center and many cow states (hindi belt)across India came up with laws that to stop cow slaughter and imposed rules of changing food habits. The pimps of Hinduism took the form of PETA and have started to preach against non vegetarian food. Hindu addicted morons on the other hand are providing scientific reasoning supporting the vegetarian food habits and slamming the people who eat non veg.Science described by Hinduism is called bad science or misleading science. The agents of Hindurashtra are misusing science to provoke people. This is what they have been doing since ages in the name of false hood called vedas and other texts. At the same time an illiterate fascist is growing beards and continuously defaming science by dialogues like we can extract oxygen from turbines and drinking cow urine can get help in curing COVID-19.The saddest part of the story is that the scientific community is silent about all these. This is also the essence of Indian culture that educationist, scientists, academicians should be obedient to the government especially to the fascist and uneducated ruler. There have been incidents that could not make headlines but threatened personal freedom. The present fascist government, its pimps and goons are making all their efforts to take this country back to the dark age of vedas and Brahmans. In this article we will try to take a deeper look into the concept of food and its types
What is the concept of food in India?
I don’t think that the topic is very correct because food is something which has or should not have any boundaries or limitations. Man in his primitive days on earth used to feed on flesh of animals that he hunted. As they became civilized fruits, legumes and grains occupied human diet. However still meat was an important part of food. The geography of Indian subcontinent is vast and full of varieties. The geographical variations allow the cultivation of a large variety of crops including cereals and fruits. Different regions have different climates and so food habits. Man had to quench his hunger so he chose easily available, good to taste and nutritious items as his food. Regions of Bengal, southern India have a climate that favors cultivation of rice and a large number of water bodies make fish an easily available and nutritious food item. There was no concept of religion in making choice of foodPulses (dal)
Wheat an ingredient of utmost importance in Indian specially North Indianfood has also its origins outside India. Most of the north Indians still hold the idea that since they consume wheat more so they have greater work efficiency and physical strength than those who consume rice more than wheat. However to what extent they are wrong is quiet evident. The wheat fromwhich roti is made which is a subject not only of dietary importance but also from social political and of course religious value has its origin outside India. From all these we conclude that Indian land and soil is something that has proved very productive for vegetation that was Imported by humans or nature. So to whatever extent the fascist barbarian prime minister may shout
about indigenous and desi concept India has always welcomed outside products and provided them nutrition to grow and flourish.
The "Hindu Concept of food
Food as it is said in the so called heavenly
texts of Hinduism . Food is described as Panacea the medicine to all ailments. It is also said that it is an eater and it is eaten. The owners of Hindu texts and the spoilers
of a science called ayurveda again did their job. These blank head Brahmins captured Ayurveda and filled it with their own rotten ideas. Food was
divided into
some categories:
Satvik Food: the generally accepted concept about satvik food is ideal diet containing vegetarian,
non-oily, non-spicy articles which are congenial to the body and mind. This is the
religious definition. The so called pure Brahmins and supporters of Sanatan concept
force people in different ways to consume the satvik food. The lame excuse that they
provide in support of their food is that it gives purity of mind. The reasoning as baseless
and fragile as these people are. The scientific reasoning is provided
in Ayurveda itself which these Brahmins never reveal to people. Satva means extract. Satvik food consists of extracts in the
form of juices and soups. The juice or soup without any rich spice is easy to digest
and nutritious. The satvik or
soup based food is served to people who are ill and find it
difficult to digest solid food. It is also given to people who
cannot or don’t want to consume the appropriate amount of food. In this context
a soup of meat or pure and nutritious beef is also a satvik food.
(2) Rajasik diet: The bRajasik dietis defined as a food which is too spicy,hot, sour, salty. It is still not clear why this type of diet is
blamed excitemental faculties. Perhaps this was another treachery of the
Brahmans. Actually Rajasik means Royal or something that is like kings. So the Rajasik
food is rich in spices oils and in colors. The food is well
decorated and shines
similar to a well decorated king. Rajasik was served in the royal courtrooms
and to honor guests
(3) Tamasik diet: Perhaps this is the most unholy food as defined by the expert agents of Hinduism and the nasty Brahmans. Thetamasik food is said to reduce the mental competence according to the false scholars. Tamasik means dark. Any cuisine which is dark in color, rich in oil and heavy which
means has high calorific value is called tamasik. It has nothing to do with darkness of mind or thought. Such food was necessary for people
who had to do a great deal of physical work like peasants, soldiers,
blacksmiths etc. In a nutshell food has no connection with the mind or thinking.
Thoughts evolve and take form influenced by the surroundings where we live
and not
by what we eat. Let us come to our point regarding vegetarianism and meat eating
The concept of being vegetarian has a complicated origin. Perhaps
it was related to the practice of ahisma or non violence. The propagandists of vegetarian diet insisted
that one should not eat by killing any living being. The true essence of vegetarian food is that one should eat the fruits
or other products from trees that have fallen to the ground. But the
advocates of
false ethics think that only rejecting meat and animal products is
satvik or vegetarian. They don’t know that digging the land and cutting
crops and vegetables is also hurting plants so the great ascetic Brahmans
are also eating non vegetarian food. Let us come to a more interesting and
laughable concept. Vegetarian people consume milk and milk products because
according to the falsehood spread by the agents of religion milk is pure
vegetarian and can be offered to the false gods of false religion. They don’t
know or perhaps know that the milk of cow is for its child. So depriving a
baby from its righteous food is vegetarian and an act of non violence
according to the
nasty Brahman culture. In many parts of this pious land there is a
practice that the first protein rich yellow milk which is solely for the
calf is used by pious Brahmans to make sweets this is the meaning of vegetarianism
in this country. It has to be noted that the pious,pure and heavenly vegetarian
Brahmans invented the most cruel system of Caste
division. The pimps of religion made
laws that treated humans worse than animals and created social
boundaries. It was this vegetarian, satvik community that made the life of
women hell like slaves by imposing inhuman rules. The treatment of widows
specially in Bengal is the burning evidence how vegetarian pious agents
passively killed humanity.
Food does not
influence thought and mind if that would be true
then there would not have been caste system and atrocities on
humans by humans in the name of caste
some categories:
(1) Satvik Food: the generally accepted concept about satvik food is ideal diet containing vegetarian, non-oily, non-spicy articles which are congenial to the body and mind. This is the religious definition. The so called pure Brahmins and supporters of Sanatan concept force people in different ways to consume the satvik food. The lame excuse that they provide in support of their food is that it gives purity of mind. The reasoning as baseless and fragile as these people are. The scientific reasoning is provided in Ayurveda itself which these Brahmins never reveal to people. Satva means extract. Satvik food consists of extracts in the form of juices and soups. The juice or soup without any rich spice is easy to digest and nutritious. The satvik or soup based food is served to people who are ill and find it difficult to digest solid food. It is also given to people who cannot or don’t want to consume the appropriate amount of food. In this context a soup of meat or pure and nutritious beef is also a satvik food.
(2) Rajasik diet: The bRajasik dietis defined as a food which is too spicy,hot, sour, salty. It is still not clear why this type of diet is blamed excitemental faculties. Perhaps this was another treachery of the Brahmans. Actually Rajasik means Royal or something that is like kings. So the Rajasik
food is rich in spices oils and in colors. The food is well decorated and shines
similar to a well decorated king. Rajasik was served in the royal courtrooms
and to honor guests
(3) Tamasik diet: Perhaps this is the most unholy food as defined by the expert agents of Hinduism and the nasty Brahmans. Thetamasik food is said to reduce the mental competence according to the false scholars. Tamasik means dark. Any cuisine which is dark in color, rich in oil and heavy which
means has high calorific value is called tamasik. It has nothing to do with darkness of mind or thought. Such food was necessary for people who had to do a great deal of physical work like peasants, soldiers, blacksmiths etc. In a nutshell food has no connection with the mind or thinking. Thoughts evolve and take form influenced by the surroundings where we live and not
by what we eat. Let us come to our point regarding vegetarianism and meat eating stuff.
The concept of being vegetarian has a complicated origin. Perhaps it was related to the practice of ahisma or non violence. The propagandists of vegetarian diet insisted that one should not eat by killing any living being. The true essence of vegetarian food is that one should eat the fruits or other products from trees that have fallen to the ground. But the advocates of
false ethics think that only rejecting meat and animal products is satvik or vegetarian. They don’t know that digging the land and cutting crops and vegetables is also hurting plants so the great ascetic Brahmans are also eating non vegetarian food. Let us come to a more interesting and laughable concept. Vegetarian people consume milk and milk products because according to the falsehood spread by the agents of religion milk is pure vegetarian and can be offered to the false gods of false religion. They don’t know or perhaps know that the milk of cow is for its child. So depriving a baby from its righteous food is vegetarian and an act of non violence according to the
nasty Brahman culture. In many parts of this pious land there is a practice that the first protein rich yellow milk which is solely for the calf is used by pious Brahmans to make sweets this is the meaning of vegetarianism in this country. It has to be noted that the pious,pure and heavenly vegetarian Brahmans invented the most cruel system of Caste division. The pimps of religion made
laws that treated humans worse than animals and created social boundaries. It was this vegetarian, satvik community that made the life of women hell like slaves by imposing inhuman rules. The treatment of widows specially in Bengal is the burning evidence how vegetarian pious agents passively killed humanity.
Food does not influence thought and mind if that would be true
then there would not have been caste system and atrocities on humans by humans in the name of caste
Non vegetarian food and Beef in India
Let us get ourselves introduced to some delicious dishes that our gods used Agni is described to like
bulls and barren cows
• Rudra likes red cows
• Indra likes a bull with droopy horns with a mark on its head The Brahmans describe the welcoming of a special guest by sacrificing a bull or a goat. A so called pious sage sacrificed
about hundred
bulls which is great praised in Taittireeya
Upanishad . A grammarian called Panini was so allured by the meat eating
practices that he coined a new term goghna (killing of a cow) mamsambhutdana;this term is very interesting and is like a bomb that will cause an explosion in the blank heads of radical ,barbarian fascists. This mamsambhutdana is the food that Rama. Lakshmana and Sita used
tob relish during their exile. The food consisted of meat, rice
and vegetables mixed together
to relish. The Vedas enlist about 250 animals of which at least 50 were used for sacrifice and eating.
Some of the examples include zebu cattle(humped
cattle), gaur (indiancattle),sheep,goat,turtle,ghariyal (crocodile). It is horrible to see that our santani forefathers were more non vegetarian than us. The ancient texts also provide evidence that the common market places had well
organized stalls to sell the meat of different types. The terms used for
types of meat are like these
• gogataka(cattle)
• Shookarika(swine)
• arabika(sheep)
• nagarika(deer)
• shakuntika(fowl)
The pious Hindu text Rigveda describes horses,buffaloes ,goats as sacrificial animals. The great god Ram’s father sacrificed
horse in the name of baseless ritual called Ashwamedha Yagna to portray the kingly night. Our pious gods had different tastes of meat.